Josephine (she/her) is a Chinese-adoptee currently working for Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS). She is also a freelance artist and writer and in her spare time co-runs the multi-media platform Whatever Next? designed to open conversations surrounding adoption. Whatever Next? have recently published their first book with 404ink.


How did you get into your current practice? What initially inspired you?

I’ve always loved art but was hesitant about pursuing it. I took art at A-Level, and it really ruined the subject for me – I hated the grade constrictions and lack of freedom to the point I didn’t really engage with art for years afterwards. I bought a knock-off smart tablet and pen over lockdown to freelance from whilst I was furloughed and it sort of just grew from there!

What themes do you tend to interrogate in your work?

I really enjoy exploring elements of my Chinese heritage in my work. A lot of my work is based on the Chinese paper cuts that are made around the New Year to depict the lunar calendar or to capture stories. My birth-family’s hometown is well-known for its paper manufacturing and papercuts and it’s a way of connecting a little with that. I love the simple lines and bold strokes and the way in which they’re able to convey depth and detail so powerfully.

What is your favourite project you've ever worked on and why?

My favourite piece is the one I did on my boyfriend during lockdown which was longlisted for the Scottish Portrait Award in 2021. It’s done from a photo I took during the first lockdown where we’d just had lunch and were thinking about dinner and how best to fill up the remainder of the day. I think it captures the languor and claustrophobia of the time and the way time and meals run into each other.

What advice would you have for creatives of colour looking to get into the creative industries, particularly when it comes to your field?

I’d say to network where possible and keep an eye on social media for any opportunities that might come your way – it's always worth giving things a shot – especially early on, all people can say is no!

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently freelancing here and there and thinking about my next steps. Very much a work-in-progress over here!




Jeda Pearl


Tao-Anas Le Thanh